Consulting in 4D

Consulting for the best results

Consulting for the best results

We will help you to validate your business model and adjust to new markets. Our experts offers from startup coaching and mentoring across a wide range of skills and specialities. Our business mentors love what they do and want to pass on their knowledge to the next generation of entrepreneurs. We match you with experts based on your startup’s needs no matter your industry or market. We are your partner from strategy to implementation and operation. High-quality business advice and problem-solving from experienced consultants. We help organizations plan, strategize and create solutions.

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Legal advice for business, tax, contracts & more

Legal advice for business, tax, contracts & more

Very often, the legal aspect is taken into account too late when making decisions. That's why we involve lawyers in the advice we give on individual projects right from the start. This ensures that concepts and strategies are not only economically but also legally secure. For the client, this means a watertight strategy and its safe implementation. From founding a company to M&A, we are your partner. We help your company in legal advice and guidance to help you make informed decisions.

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Technology as driver of success

Technology as driver of success

Our technology department deals with various aspects of technology. On the one hand, the entire area of digitization, which includes everything from e-commerce, IT technology to software production. Another area deals with the implementation of technical solutions through to patenting them. And the technical area is specialized for Industry 4.0 topics. From the idea to the finished patented product. - E-Commerce - Big Data Management - Digitalization - IT Technology - Decarbonization

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Finance issues are solved

Finance issues are solved

Our Corporate finance department refers to planning, developing and controlling the capital structure of a business. It aims to increase organizational value and profit through optimal decisions on investments, finances as well as dividends. We focus on capital investments aimed at meeting the funding requirements of a business to attain a favourable capital structure. We offer Investment services that buy & build companies to increase value, create jobs & growth. We advise on investments in private companies, purchase of control or influence.

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